Friday, January 7, 2022

One week in.

Well one week down, and what a week it's been.  Co-vid has made itself well and truly known and some new restrictions are in place in Victoria.  All we can do is to heed the rules, take care of ourselves and hope that things get better as 2022 progresses.

What to do to keep life interesting?  I've seen both crochet and knitted temperature blankets, but some summer days get too hot to knit or crochet so I decided to make a Patchwork Temperature Quilt. It's never too hot to sit at the machine and sew, right?  Originally I decided on increments of 5 degrees celsius but there wasn't enough variation of colours so I adjusted it to 3 degree increments which gives me 15 different fabrics to use. Each day will consist of a fabric for the low temp and another for the high.  Here are my colours: 

And this is how they look for the first 7 days of January 2022:

Even with 3 degree increments, some days will be the same.  For example the two gold days.  The lowest temperature for the two days was between 16-18 and the highs were between 28-30.  Melbourne is known for sometimes having three seasons in one day, like yesterday (7th January) it was a very humid 27 degrees but we also had four separate rain deluges.  One so bad that the roof of a shopping centre collapsed.  It will be interesting following the weather through the year. 

Housework and shopping need doing, so that's it for this post.  See you soon. 

Take care and stay safe.♥♥♥


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